The students’ run (written partly by Dana, 6a and partly by Ida, 6a)
On 14th June 2023 my school (except for class 8) went to the students’ run. (by Dana)
It started at 10:45 am and the 6th class ran at quarter past eleven. We ran 2.5 kilometres. (by Ida)
At 11 am we went to the street where we should start to run. But we had to wait for 15 minutes. Then a man came to the stage and made a countdown. We started slowly and with many people but then we waited a little bit and it was not so crowded. I jogged a little bit but every time I lost my breath. At the end everybody cheered and my motivation went up. I came to the finish line at 11:38:55. I was so sweaty and I just couldn’t breathe any more. (by Dana)
After that we could watch the other students running. In the area of the event there was a shop for chips and pizza. At quarter to one there was the presentation of prizes. My school won the 3rd place for the most beautiful T-shirt. (by Ida)
The run was difficult but very funny! I hope next year there will be a students’ run too! (by Ida)
Die Jahrgangsstufen 6-Q1 (mit Ausnahme der Jgst. 8, die sich im Praktikum befanden) nahmen am 14.06.2023 am Schülerlauf teil. Bei bestem Wetter und bester Laune trafen wir uns auf dem Bismarckplatz, um gemeinsam die 2,5km zu bestreiten. Einen unerwarteten 3. Platz errangen wir beim Contest des „Schönsten T-Shirts“ :-)!
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