Wir vom PPRG ziehen gegen Ende des Schuljahres nochmal alle sportlichen Register und feierten am 25.05.2023 ein großes, vom Förderverein und der SV gesponsertes Schulfest. Neugierige Blicke beobachteten schon am frühen Morgen das fleißige Treiben auf dem Schulhof. Große aufblasbare Spielfelder entstanden nach und nach auf dem Gelände und der Sporthalle des PPR und ließen die Vorfreude auf das Sportfest steigen. Das tolle, nicht zu heiße Wetter tat sein Übriges, dass ungetrübte Sportfreude aufkommen konnte!
Bereits beim Aufwärmen waren alle Jahrgangsstufen mit Feuereifer dabei. Dieser steigerte sich im Laufe der Veranstaltung noch, denn es gab an vielen Stationen spannende Spiele und Klassenbattles zu bestehen. So konnten die Klassen beim Menschenkicker gegeneinander antreten, mussten beim Basketball Körbe werfen und rannten beim Staffellauf wie die Hasen. Beim Hockey wurden die jeweiligen Mannschaften leidenschaftlich angefeuert und im Hindernisparcour konnten die SchülerInnen sich so richtig austoben.
Wir hatten einen tollen Tag mit vielen Abwechslungen und unvergleichlichem Teamgeist –
vielen Dank an unseren Möglichmacher-Förderverein und die SV!
Report by 6a students
The following report were written in the 6a English lessons.
The sports event (written by Mjellma)
On 24th May 2023 we had a sports event at my school. We went there from 8:30 am to 1 pm.
As I got there, I got very excited and very surprised as I saw a jump house. I didn’t think it could get any better but I was wrong. I didn’t know what was waiting for me. I already wanted to play but we first needed to meet in our classroom.
Then we went to the gym where our entire school was. A guy explained to us what we needed to know and he told us that if we were nice to each other, we could win a fairness award, but we needed to be fair too.
There were so many games but my favourite ones were the jump house, the human table-football and shooting baskets. The jump house was the coolest because we needed to be very fast. There were obstacles that we needed to get through. It was really fun.
We had a short break to eat ice-cream because the ice-cream truck came. The cool part was that we didn’t need to pay, not even a single penny.
At the end we gathered in the gym again. The guy announced the classes who won. Our parallel class won against us. All of the classes got a certificate but we still weren’t happy. He was about to announce who got the fairness award, then he looked at us. We thought it was suspicious but then he said “6a!” Everyone booed but that didn’t stop us from being happy.
I loved the sports event and I can’t wait for the next one. To top it off, we won a prize, and that made us the happiest students of all.